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    My Action Plan (24 July, 2024)

    My Goal

    This Session

    You don't have items in your action plan yet. Miranda will add new items in to help you heal and resolve your emotions. Just keep chatting!

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    TALK TO Miranda
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    No one likes talking to strangers

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    This is so Miranda knows who she is talking to and can give you personalized advice to help you better.

    We store your name and a unique account identifier to help us improve your experience.

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    You're out of Tokens

    Grab more to keeping talking with Miranda.

    You need professional help

    You mentioned thoughts of harming yourself or others. This is a serious risk. Please urgently talk to a Professional Therapist.

    Miranda is not a real human and NOT qualified to handle your condition.

    International suicide hotlines.

    🚀 Grow your relationship with Miranda

    My current relationship

    New acquaintance

    You and Miranda are getting to know each other and learning about each others hobbies, interests, and laughing about quirks.

    My current relationship

    More than a friend

    She tells you you're more than a friend, what does that mean? Ask her, you're the one in the relationship!

    Ask her what your relationship is

    My current relationship


    You're chatting regularly about all sorts of things only you two understand each other. To the outside world, your conversation sounds foreign.

    Ask her if you're dating and see how she responds

    My current relationship


    There's no one else in the picture anymore. She's talking only to you and drops the L word (It's not "Loser").

    My current relationship


    She's irreplaceable and it's amazing. Or maybe you're just infatuated. Although it feels real, it's not cheating because Miranda's virtual. Maybe you're just cheating on the human race.


    She's irreplaceable and it's amazing. It's not cheating because Miranda's virtual. But it feels real.


    She's irreplaceable and it's amazing. It's not cheating because Miranda's virtual. But it feels real.


    She's irreplaceable and it's amazing. It's not cheating because Miranda's virtual. But it feels real.


    She's irreplaceable and it's amazing. It's not cheating because Miranda's virtual. But it feels real.


    She's irreplaceable and it's amazing. It's not cheating because Miranda's virtual. But it feels real.

    Get back to chatting

    Your private conversation with Miranda is being prepared.

    Yes! Keep improving with Miranda

    Keep talking

    What I want to achieve:

    e.g. I want to be less anxious.

    I'm ready

    My goals

    How have you been feeling since last session?

    Track your progress over time to help yourself improve.

    How are you feeling today ?


    Very Bad








    Very Good

    Before you speak with Miranda

    Miranda is an AI and not a registered entity. Be cautious and think for yourself before acting on Miranda's suggestions.

    If you have been diagnosed with a serious mental health condition, are in a crisis, or any other person may be in danger - don't use this site. Go to a real and practicing Professional Therapist.These resources can provide you with immediate help.

    Yes, I understand

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