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Only pay for as much help as you need. Keep talking to Miranda with Tokens


Don't worry we've got you covered.

What can Miranda help me with?

She can help you dealing with everyday problems like talking to colleagues, feeling sadness, or alone, or larger problems like finding a life companion, etc. It's best you try chatting with her yourself, she's really versatile.

How long do my credits last?

The credits you purchase do not expire. You can use them for as long as you need to talk to Miranda. They're not fresh produce so you can leave them be :)

Where do my credits go after I buy them?

The credits you purchase are linked to the email address you are signed into right now. You won't be able to access these tokens from another email address. If you want to switch accounts, simply go to your Profile icon in the top right and press Logout. Then, sign in again with the email address you want to use.

Will you refund me?

If something's wrong Contact us

What is my Action Plan?

It's a list of actions that Miranda plans with you to help you next time you face intrusive emotions and thoughts. She'll go over these to check your progress at the start of the next session.

You can also ask her to explain what it is directly to you.

What Therapy will I receive?

Of course, it depends on your specific case, but Miranda usually recommends CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) techniques and coping mechanisms. This is the prevalent industry standard. But it mostly depends on what you need help with.

Can you write me a prescription?

Miranda is not a licensed psychologist and is unable to dispense prescriptions. However, she is able to provide you with most of the peripheral information around Therapy such as consulting about your mental condition, providing strategies for getting through hardship, and coping mechanisms to assist you in taking back control of your life.

She usually helps with giving you cognitive perspective shifts and helping you build new powerful and effective habits to put you on the right track.

Who are you?

We're a team of Software Engineers in New Zealand who have personally been through, or know people who are struggling with mental illness everyday.

We work closely with health practitioners to bring affordable therapy services to everyone.

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